Tuesday, November 26, 2019

I am Rahab by JC Miller

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African American Christian Fiction Saga
Date Published: Dec. 5th 2019

Rahab never saw herself as a prostitute but on the brink of poverty, she journeys down a path that twists her arm towards it.

Jeremy Cole enters Rahab's life, flaunting success and persuades her into a life of sex, drugs, money, and fame.

In spite of success, Rahab’s soul cries for freedom. The land of milk and honey isn't what it’s cracked up to be. Jeremy uses her talents for his own gain and threatens to tear her family apart.

What compels a woman to betray the man who has provided her fame, fortune, and stability?

I Am Rahab: A Novel Part 3 is a multi-generational fictional journey mimicking the biblical account of Rahab the Harlot. Set against the urban landscape of the bustling Boroughs of New York City and reflective of the popular mid-eighties and nineties culture; this coming of age tale will leave you breathless!

When life throws the great-granddaughter of a voodoo priestess the ultimate storm, how will she respond?

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Scanning the rowdy audience, Rahab stumbles upon Jeremy’s face, grimaced with resentment. It is obvious that he’s angry. Her heart races.

What have I done?

“Baby girl, never loves a man dat tinks he’s better den you, and never loves a man dat can’t love you lak he loves himself. Ain’t nothin’ worse den dat type of ownership.” Her Big Mama’s pearls of wisdom cultivate her mind. She can feel Lotti’s presence ushering her to leave.

“Dat one’s too smooth to hold on to, and he’s too fine to waste any’mo of ya time.”

Rahab freezes. Her eyes frantically dot the room. I’m bugging. She can hear Big Mama’s voice clearly over the sound of howling men.

“…and why is ya boobies hanging out lak dis, chile?” A cold breeze runs across Rahab’s chest.

The spotlight dims into darkness as Rahab rushes off the stage feeling she’s become the accusation of harlot bestowed upon her. She’s never done anything this pornographic before. The tears burning her eyes compel her to cry.

About the Author

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JC Miller is a freshly anointed, faith-based literary artist. Raised by her mother in the Bronx, New York, she uses her childhood experiences to capture the soul of the ghetto. As a former student of Chicago's, Moody Bible Institute, and a graduate of, Te'Hillah School of Urban Ministry, she produces a depiction of the pop culture era of which she grew up in and creatively intertwines it with biblically-based characters and their divine accounts.

JC Miller is also the co-founder of a nonprofit called, Diamond Daughters Inc.; an organization developed to help educate and uplift women of abuse. She recently co-founded a publishing company, Jess, Mo' Books, with her childhood friend, M.R. Spain.


RABT Book Tours & PR

Fill Your Mind Before you fill Your Plate by Faisal Alshawa Book Blitz and Giveaway

Non Fiction / Health & Nutrition
Date Published: October 7, 2019
Publisher: Writing Matters (UK)

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Fill Your Mind Before You Fill Your Plate offers practical advice so you can create and maintain a healthy lifestyle, amidst the fast-paced and stressful world we live in. If you are confused about where to start in your health journey or looking for ways to live a healthy lifestyle consistently, then this book is for you!

About the Author

Faisal has always been passionate about health and fitness. As a child, he stayed active and played various sports. In 2008, Faisal moved to the US to study Kinesiology at the University of Maryland, College Park. After completing his undergraduate degree, he went on to attain a Masters’ degree in Sports and Exercise Science at Loughborough University in the UK. Faisal moved to Doha, Qatar after graduation and was designated as a sports nutritionist for the U23 Qatar National Olympic Football team. During this time, he was also assigned to administer sports nutrition services to athletes in track and field, squash, and table tennis. His experience working in various sports, as well as competitive and recreational athletes, led Faisal to start Believe Nutrition consultancy in June of 2017.

His intention behind Believe Nutrition is to help individuals and all levels of athletes, from beginner to pro, to believe in the power of nutrition. As the founder of Believe Nutrition, Faisal wants to instill a positive change in peoples’ lives through a holistic approach, which focuses on the mind, body and soul. Faisal does not want to help people for the short-term; rather, he strives to impart a passion for health on anyone he works with to ensure they become the best and healthiest version of themselves, for the long-term.

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RABT Book Tours & PR

The Nigerian Prince by Esi Wilson Book Blitz and giveaway

The Nigerian Prince
Esi Wilson
Published by: Visualbee Publishing
Publication date: November 25th 2019
Genres: New Adult, Romance, Thriller
Her: Everyone knows not to bother replying to the ‘Nigerian Prince’ Scam emails. But this one caught me at the worst time of my life. I was broken. So naturally, my curiosity got the best of me. I did it and there isn’t an ‘undo’ button.
Him: If you had seen her eyes, you wouldn’t blame me for what I did. What is a small lie when there is much to be gained?
Five childhood friends from Africa are linked forever through a shared traumatic experience. Driven by their affluent backgrounds, they frequent luxurious trips across the globe to stay connected. At the center of the conflict is Deji, a rich, young prince from Nigeria. In his quest to find fulfillment with a career he loves, he finds love instead through unlikely circumstances. His life becomes entwined with that of Tanya, an aspiring American actress he meets over the internet. The intrigues surrounding his friendships and his personal life stand as obstacles to their budding relationship. Will the strong bond of friendship triumph over the emotions pulling at Deji’s heartstrings?
“Ah, Oga,” The shorter of the two addressed me. “Anything for the boys?”
Just as I thought.
Being one of the richest people in Nigeria meant you always had to shower money on people at every turn. That was the Nigerian mentality. A rich man built and solidified his reputation by the amount of cash he disbursed freely and the regularity with which he did so. Personally, I thought the whole thing was backward, if not a bit uncivilized. But I did like giving and I had excess cash anyway. It wasn’t a bother.
I gave them a thousand naira to share and was about to drive off when I remembered the bottles of Sprite I had bought earlier.
“Boss, na you oh,” they both hailed as I handed them the drinks. I smiled and drove into the compound of the huge mansion Dipo had leased.
As I got out of the car, I noticed that although most of the equipment was set up, nothing important was happening. I recognized some A-list actresses lounging around the pool in sexy bikini outfits. Had they finished shooting? Fear gripped me. Man, I had messed up.
Heart in my mouth, I approached a member of the crew, a man probably in his early 30s with bushy eyebrows and a beard.
“Good afternoon, sir. Una don finish?” I asked with an outward calm I wasn’t feeling.
“For where? Director never ready na,” he responded. He didn’t seem happy about that but I was ecstatic. But I decided not to let my happiness show in case he transferred his aggression about the delay onto me.
“Where is he?” I asked.
At that, the man turned and gave me an appraising glance. I guess he was trying to determine if I was qualified to see the esteemed Dipo Ajayi. It seemed I passed muster – he jerked his head towards the left side of the building and gave me directions.
A few minutes later, I knocked on a door labeled Director. On hearing a muffled response from within, I twisted the knob and stepped into… a den of iniquity. There was really no other way to describe the disturbing sight that greeted my eyes.
Through a haze of smoke, I caught sight of half-naked girls lounging on every available piece of furniture in the spacious room. Some had the decency to wear bras but most were naked from the waist up. Everywhere smelt of Igbo, the popular Nigerian weed, and I could detect a whiff of freshly-made amala. Just as I was beginning to wonder if I was in the right room, I heard my name being called.
“Ajibade? I was wondering when you were going to show up.”
I peered through the smoke and right in the middle of the room, dressed in a colorful dashiki, sat Dipo. He was enjoying a meal of amala and ewedu soup. The dark brown amala made from yam flour, contrasted perfectly with the dark green hue of the mashed ewedu leaves. From the number of empty bottles of beer that lined the table, I could see that he had indulged far too much.
He gestured towards me with fingers covered in soup.
“Come over here, boy. Don’t stand there like a statue.”
I slowly walked towards him and noticed the two bare-breasted girls beside him. The girl on the right was topping up his beer glass while the girl on the left was flagrantly smoking weed from a rolled paper. Granted, I had done some wild things in my life but I had never seen this level of classless debauchery and all at midday.
“Won’t you sit down?” the girl smoking asked me, tapping the space beside her. Her eyes were glazed with the effects of the weed. “Or are you shy?”
Dipo scoffed as he swallowed a morsel of amala.
“Shy? The Deji Ajibade? I don’t think so.”
I took the empty seat.
“Ladies,” Dipo called out overly loudly. “This is the real estate prince. Next in line to the Imena throne and heir to the Ajibade real estate empire. He wants to try his hand at movie production. I have no idea why,” he announced, muttering the last part to the girl on his right. “Rich people, eh?” he said mockingly, winking at his girls who giggled in response.
I stood up abruptly, feeling embarrassed, angry, and disgusted all at once. This wasn’t what I signed up for.
“Sit down, Deji. Jé kí àwon girls mi tójú e dáadáa. Let my girls take care of you properly.”
I watched impassively as they all perked up at Dipo’s words, each wanting to be the one to ‘take care of me’. Their eyes had taken on an avaricious glint since Dipo had introduced me. My Timberlands, Ralph Lauren polo shirt, and Armani jeans screamed style, and I knew I wore it all well. Also, not to blow my own trumpet, I knew I was probably far better looking than the clients these girls were used to. But smoking weed and having random sex with girls who I strongly suspected were underage was not my scene. It was at times like this that I wondered what drove young girls to sleep with men old enough to be their fathers. It definitely wasn’t because the men in question were handsome. In fact, Dipo was what my friends and I would describe as plain ugly. Maybe that was why he hid behind the cameras, I thought slyly.
When I had first seen him, I thought his head was too small for his large body. I had met him multiple times now and my opinion had not changed. In fact, his body looked disproportionate in several ways, as though the Creator had been distracted when forming him; eyes too big and round for such a small head, a crooked nose that made me wonder just how many times it had been broken, and a mouth that was curled in a perpetual sneer.
“I’m sorry,” I said, realizing that everyone in the room was looking at me expectantly. I was trying to infuse the right mix of politeness and firmness into my voice. “Thanks for the offer but I have to decline.”
“Well, you can’t be tainting your royal blood with these local ashewos (prostitutes). The high-class escorts are more to your taste, eh? I totally understand,” he retorted haughtily. He swallowed another morsel of food and winked at me like we had just shared a secret filthy joke or something.
His statement irritated me further and I gave him a look of distaste.
“I’ll be outside,” I said quietly and headed for the door.
I had had enough. It seemed the rumors were true after all, I thought as I took in a gulp of fresh air and let the sun warm my face. Dipo had proven without a doubt that talent, no matter how great, was a poor substitute for character.

Author Bio:
Two West-African queens,
lovers of jollof and privy to gist,
join forces to shake things up.



Sword by Marteeka Karland Book Blitz and Giveaway

Marteeka Karland
(Bones MC, #3)
Published by: Changeling Press
Publication date: November 22nd 2019
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
Magenta: The day my mom took up with Black Reign was the worst day of my life. She became ol’ lady for their president. I became another whore for the club to push around. I fought them at every turn because death was preferable to living this life. Beaten, downtrodden, I was about to be given to yet another man. The scariest man I’d ever seen. He was intent on having me on his own turf, and I wasn’t sure I would survive.
Sword: The second I saw the slight young thing being beaten by that ogre of a man, something inside me I’d thought leashed broke free. A demon better left in check reared his head, and I knew she would be mine no matter what. I got her, but she came with bigger problems than I was prepared to deal with. Not that it mattered. I’m Bones MC. We don’t give up, and we protect our own. Even against The Devil himself…
***WARNING!*** Bones MC has no pussies. These men are rough around the edges and fight as hard as they love. You can expect violence — some that may have triggers — and smoking hot sex. If either is something you object to, you should pass. Otherwise, expect an HEA and a man who always satisfies his woman.
She was in Sword’s arms. In a ridiculously small bed. Fully clothed in his shirt and sweatpants. At some point, she’d sprawled out on top of him, her hair tangling them together like silk bindings. One of his big hands rubbed soothingly up and down her back in comfort. That hand seemed to span the entire width of her back as he moved it over her skin lazily.
Magenta remembered him sliding into the bed with her, wrapping her up in his arms as they’d talked. Their conversation spun through her mind like a carousel. Did she believe everything he’d told her? She wanted to. Though she knew better, Magenta decided she’d believe him until he misplaced her trust. Didn’t mean she’d do it blindly though. Maybe she should lay it all out for him.
“You’re fine, girl,” he murmured sleepily. “We got an hour before we need to get up.”
“You know, if you’re trying to make me give up information on Black Reign, I’m more than happy to do it without you making me empty promises. Just promise you won’t make me go back, and I’ll tell you everything I know. That’s the only promise I want or need.”
He sighed, as if disappointed. “I just want another hour,” he grumbled. “Fine. Magenta, I promise I won’t make you go back. Think I said that earlier. Now, go back to sleep. You can spill it all later.”
“You’re kind of a grumpy bear when you wake up, aren’t you?”
Again, he grunted, but tightened his arms around her.
“What are you going to do? You left a man in the clubhouse so you can’t just blaze.”
With an exasperated grunt, Sword rolled them both, maneuvering so that he lay sprawled on top of her, his arms still wrapped around her. He nuzzled her neck, his lips grazing her skin in a soft caress. “Hush now. I need this last hour.” He didn’t stop moving his mouth over her neck.
“Stop,” she whispered, even as she lifted her chin and tilted her head to give him better access. What was wrong with her? Was she going to let him take advantage of her? God, her body had suddenly come alive! Shivers coursed through her, and she realized that, for the first time in her life, she was welcoming a man’s touch.
“I will if you want,” Sword said, even as he licked her flesh with one swipe of his flattened tongue. “Seems like you don’t know what you want. You didn’t push me away. Instead, if I’m not mistaken, your little nails are diggin’ into my back like you’re trying to hold me to you.” He sounded drowsy. Sexy. Like he was her lover waking her for morning sex.
“I — I don’t know…”
“It’s OK,” he said between nips and scrapes of his teeth. “I’m not gonna take too big a bite out of you. At least not here or now.” He let his lips wander from her neck to her collarbone and back, never venturing into forbidden territory but arousing her like she’d never been before. “When we go to confront Black Reign, you’re staying here with Trucker.”
“You’ll need every man you have,” she breathed out, scarcely able to form a coherent thought beyond the fact that she wanted to cradle his head and push him to her aching breasts. “Crow will annihilate you if you don’t. In fact, call in help. He’s trying to lull you into a false sense of security before he springs whatever trap he has ready.”
“I promise you, the four men we’re takin’ into that clubhouse will be better equipped to deal with that entire club than Crow will be to deal with the four of us. But, you’re right. We called in reinforcements last night. There will be some friends of ours coming to help. Should be here in a little over an hour.” He shifted his weight off her just a little, just enough for her not to feel trapped. Then he laid his head on her chest and kissed the swell of her breast. “So I’d like to get my…” he raised his head to look back over his shoulder at the clock on the wall next to them, “fifty-four minutes.”
“Yeah. So would me and Viper.”
“If you guys need to get a room, you should have said something instead of staying out all fuckin’ night ridin’.”
“You two shut the fuck up. I’m determined to get my ‘fifty-four minutes’.”
“Fifty-three now, bro. Shut up your own damned self.”
Magenta didn’t know what to think or say. Lying with Sword like this was too intimate for strangers, but, strangely, not uncomfortable. All kinds of things went through her mind. Like if the others expected him to have sex with her right there. Did he expect that? If she gave in and embraced the sensations he kindled, would he humiliate her like Black Reign did? And what about Trucker? If everyone thought she’d given in to Sword, would they expect her to service them as well?
“Just relax,” Sword whispered. “No one is gonna hurt you.”
“You keep saying that.”
“You need to hear it.”
“Does me hearing it make it any truer than if you never said it?”

Author Bio:
Romance author by night, emergency room tech/clerk by day, Marteeka Karland works really hard to drive everyone in her life completely and totally nuts. She has been creating stories from her warped imagination since she was in the third grade. Her love of writing blossomed throughout her teenage years until it developed into the totally unorthodox and irreverent style her English teachers tried so hard to rid her of. Now, she breathes life into faeries, space hunters, werewolves, vampires, shapeshifters, and a few just plane ole ordinary people. She loves to see the awkward, self-conscious band geek get the captain of the football team and make him beg for it.



It was Always you by S.L. Sterling Book Blitz and Giveaway

It Was Always You
S.L. Sterling
Publication date: March 28th 2018
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Fresh out of an abusive relationship, Tatum packs up and goes to live closer to her brother.
A new life. New beginnings.
But when Parker – her college sweetheart – comes back around she’s immediately divided between trying again or protecting her damaged heart.
Parker hasn’t been able to get Tatum off his mind since the night he walked out of her life. Eight years of one night stands, along with sleepless nights, and the pain of losing her has virtually faded. But now she’s moving back to town and all the emotions of the past come crashing in to drive him back to her.
Ex-boyfriends are real, though.
And hers becomes obsessed.
Tatum and Parker’s rekindled love will be tested to its limits.
And worlds may come crashing down.
Only 99¢ for a limited time!
“Man, did you hear anything I said?” Elliott waved, snapping me out of my memory.
“What?” I must have looked like an idiot. Here I was, sitting across from her brother, remembering the last night I was with his sister. Thank God he couldn’t see below the table; my painful erection was straining against my jeans.
“She arrives tomorrow,” he repeated.
I shifted in my seat, doing my best to readjust myself. I nodded to the bartender for another round as I took a long swig, emptying my beer. It was going to be a long night.
“Aren’t you working for me tomorrow?” I asked.
“Yes.” He hesitated. “Parker, I have a huge favor to ask.”
He was crazy if he thought I would pick her up. There was no way I could do that. I wasn’t ready to see her.
“I hate to ask, but would you be able to pick her up for me and bring her to this address? I’ll be done with work at four but won’t be able to get there for two.”
He scratched out an address on a napkin and passed it over to me.
“I don’t want her to have to take a cab from the airport.”
I frowned as I looked down at the address he had written. It was about a block from my place. What the hell! It had taken me the last eight years to even think about dating seriously again. The past few years had been nothing but one-night stands, and I was growing tired of it now. I wanted more—I needed more—and now the girl I had never gotten over would be living less than a five-minute drive from my place. I took in a deep breath. I must have lost my mind.
“What time?”
“Her flight lands at two. Gate B4,” Elliott informed.
I placed the napkin in my pocket and ordered us some food. “I’ll be back. Gonna hit the bathroom.”
Standing outside the washroom, I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket. Opening my contacts, I pulled Tatum’s information up on my screen. I wanted to text her. Hell, I had wanted to text her every time I got drunk. Every time I was lonely and horny, and pretty much every day for the last eight fucking years. My finger hovered over the text icon for what seemed like hours, but I decided against it. I slid my phone back into my pocket and went back out to drown my sorrows in more beer.

Author Bio:
S.L. Sterling was born and raised in southern Ontario. She now lives in Northern Ontario Canada and is married to her best friend and soul mate and their two dogs.
An avid reader all her life, S.L. Sterling dreamt of becoming an author. She decided to give writing a try after one of her favorite authors launched a course on how to write your novel. This course gave her the push she needed to put pen to paper and her debut novel "It Was Always You" was born.
When S.L. Sterling isn't writing or plotting her next novel she can be found curled up with a cup of coffee, blanket and the newest romance novel from one of her favorite authors on her e-reader. Her favorite authors include Kendall Ryan, Vi Keeland, Penelope Ward, Lauren Blakely, Alessandra Torre and Willow Winters.
In her spare time, she enjoys camping, hiking, sunny destinations, spending quality time with family and friends and of course reading.



The Dirty Dozen: MC Edition book blitz and Giveaway

The Dirty Dozen: MC Edition
Publication date: November 23rd 2019
Genres: Adult, Fairy Tales, Paranormal, Romance
11 ~ Authors ~ 12 Novellas ~ 12 Hot Bikers
Ever wonder what it’s like to take a walk on the wild side?
Find out as these eleven authors show you as they take you on a journey through their MC Worlds.
See what it’s like to be thrust into the dangerous world of an MC, where brotherhood and loyalty are more than just words.
These eleven authors will have you captivated and wishing to wear one of their MC patches with each word you read.
Participating Authors:
Kathleen Kelly
Wraith noun (in italics) ~ a ghost or ghostlike image of someone, especially one seen shortly before or after their death.
Desired – Natasha Thomas
His entire life had always been about three things; his club, his brothers, and his family. Until he met her.
Royally Taken – Elle Boon
He’s the protector. Sometimes he walked a fine line between right and wrong, but make no mistake, when shit goes south, he’s the one you’d want to have your back.
Sloth – Kay Maree
1%er, pain, blood, nothing but another nightmare followed by numbness, and the deep dark hole I don’t think I could pull myself out of again.
Havoc’s Temptation – Lauren Firminger
Just when they thought the dust was starting to settle, Havoc brings a long lost secret to the surface.
Charon MC – Khloe Wren
Blade is forced to learn a lesson when the price for exacting his vengeance becomes higher than he’d ever imagined it would be.
Danger – Penny Blush
I am the President of Knights Fury MC; my life has been threatened. I don’t know who to trust. There’s a traitor in my club. Now I need to put my trust in a stranger to help save my club and my life
Diesel’s Choice – Lauren Firminger
Would a second chance be too much for me to give him though?
He handed me my heart back in pieces once. Would I survive round 2?
Viper – Gemma Arlington
One girl in search of her father.
One guy willing to help.
One interesting and eventful night of passion.
Slade – VR Baucke
Tova – Hades Horsemen Club Princess, forbidden temptation, and rule breaker.
Slade – Hades Horsemen VP, hot as sin, loyal to the bone, and has finally met his match.
Tank – Ember Raine-Winters
Can Tank save Nadia against all odds, or will new revelations take her away?
Executioner – Sammy King
An executioner who was forced to grow up with hate in his soul.
An innocent girl whose life isn’t what she believed.



Monday, November 25, 2019

Drawn Blue Lines by Cora Kenborn Cover Reveal

Title - Drawn Blue Lines: A Carrera Cartel Novel
Author: Cora Kenborn
Genre: Dark Romantic Suspense Standalone (Mafia)
Release Date: December 5, 2019 Cover Design: Marisa Rose-Wesley of Cover Me Darling, LLC.
Loyalty is the deadliest sin
Every devil doesn’t always get his due.
I survived a fate worse than death, and the only thing my family’s traitor got was my birthright.
I used to rule an empire. Brody Harcourt made me a pariah.
Now, I'm back for more than revenge. I‘m here to reclaim and ruin. All I want to do is to build him up just to watch him fall.
But sometimes, things don’t go as planned.
He’s the enemy, the one man I can never fall for.
And the only one I do.
Eventually, everyone’s true colors show.
I swore to uphold an oath then sold my soul to the darkness I fought so hard to destroy.
I used to put criminals behind bars. Adriana Carrera turned me into one.
I no longer ask for permission, and I care nothing about forgiveness. I’ll protect what’s mine by beating her at her own game.
She should know I take what I want.
A year ago, I took the queen’s crown.
Now I want the queen.
Cora Kenborn is a USA Today Bestselling author who writes in multiple genres from dark and gritty romantic suspense to laugh-out-loud romantic comedy. Known for her sharp banter and shocking blindsides, Cora pushes her characters and readers out of their comfort zones and onto an emotional roller coaster before delivering a twisted happily ever after.
Cora believes there’s nothing better than a feisty heroine who keeps her alpha on his toes, and she draws inspiration from the sassy country women who raised her. However, since the domestic Southern Belle gene seems to have skipped a generation, she spends any free time convincing her family that microwaving Hot Pockets counts as cooking dinner.
Oh, and autocorrect thinks she's obsessed with ducks.

The Lyme Regis Murders by Andrew Segal Book Blitz

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Crime Thriller
Date Published: 1st December 2019
Publisher: HappyLondonPress

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Can innocence ever be an incentive to murder?

A quiet seaside town is thrown into turmoil. Tammy Pierre, London based private investigator, accompanied by her sometime lover, Israeli art dealer and martial-arts coach, Dov Jordan, has just been brought close to tears by police photographs shown to her by an hysterical Eleanor Goldcrest, at the home of three innocent toddlers whose brutally murdered bodies have been found on the beach at Lyme Regis.

Wealthy financier, Eric Goldcrest, alarmed that his partner of three years, together with the local police has him nailed as guilty of murdering the children, now retains Tammy to prove his innocence and find the real culprit. But has his involvement in all this been misinterpreted?

In this investigation, with no apparant motive or forensic evidence, Tammy’s skills will be tested to the limit. In a twist that muddies the waters, Eric Goldcrest, laments that he’s simply never made it clear to Tammy about his position in the family and his relationship with the children, all of which have been assumed by the investigation.

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About the Author

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A contract killer changed my life

The encounter inspired me to become a Crime Thriller writer.

He was a contract killer, and he was in my car!

I’d been lost, looking for West Thurrock in Essex, and asked a little old man in a shabby coat, on the opposite side of the road, the way. He offered to show me if I gave him a lift, and whilst I make it a rule never to give lifts to anyone I don’t know, I reasoned, he could hardly be a contract killer, could he. Could he? Of course not.

As we drove he casually informed me that he’d, ‘Done it for the Kray’s, mate.’ That would have been the notorious East London gangsters he was referring to, known to kill, or have killed, without conscience.

Once I’d dropped him off and recovered my composure, I realised I was looking at fodder for a short story. What then followed was a raft of short stories, including, ‘I am a Gigolo,’ something I told my wife when I first met her, and which almost ended our relationship before it had begun. That title is now the heading for a book of short stories.

Jokingly, over lunch, I told a fellow professional I’d once been a contract killer, and devised a story. He believed every word, and left me at some pains to disabuse him. That title, I am a Contract Killer, now heads a further collection of short stories.

Writer of scary short stories and full-length novels like The Lyme Regis Murders.

It’s been an fascinating journey... I hope you’ll want to share with me.

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Elgringo by Edmond Salus Virtual Book Tour

Fiction Date Published: January 2018 Sonny Galas is an only child being raised by his mother-a widow---and t...